J-Trust Waterproofing Specialist

Singapore One-Stop Roof Water-proofing Solution

Experience our top-tier roof waterproofing, water leakage repair and concrete services.

About Us

Professional, Reliable and Trusted Waterproof & Water Leakage Specialist

Quality Craftmanship For Your Roof Waterproof & Water Leakage Solution

Welcome to J-Trust Waterproofing Specialist, your reliable long lasting solution for concrete repair, roof waterproofing and water leakage services in Singapore.

We resolve water leakage include leaking in toilets and bathrooms, balconies, roof, R.C. flat roof, water intrusion into the basement, water seepage through ceilings and walls, and others. 

Roof Repair

Waterproofing solutions are critical in ensuring the longevity and structural integrity of buildings as it prevent material deterioration, prevent mold growth, and keep structures stable by creating a barrier against water attack. 

Concrete Waterproofing

Concrete waterproofing service take role in maintaining building structural integrity and safety, preventing further damage and associated hazards, extends the life of structures, promotes occupant safety against more extensive and costly repairs. 

Metal Roof Repair

Metal roofs are vulnerable to rust and corrosion, therefore waterproofing and repairing is an important buffer against water damage. The application of specialist coatings is designed to form a smooth, resistant barrier over the metal surface.

R.C Roof Waterproofing

A waterproof R.C. roof is an investment in the structure’s long-term health, providing a dry, secure atmosphere while reducing the dangers associated with water-related damage.

Water Leakage Repair

Water leakage might causes building structural damage reinforcement, mold growth, aesthetic deterioration, insulation efficiency deterioration, damage to interior furnishing, electrical systems compromised and so on.

Pressure Grouting (PU Grouting)

Our general pressure grouting specialized in PU Grouting and injection is commonly utilized for various kinds of function, including waterproofing, water leakage and concrete repair.

Professional & Trustworthy

Singapore One-stop Roof Waterproofing & Water Leakage Solutions

Fast Response

Provide timely and effective service assures your needs and requirement.

Quality Assurance

Top-tier waterproof roofing service with long-lasting  water damage protection.

Professional Workers

Trained and qualified workers, using the best practices for waterproofing.

Free Quotation

Transparent pricing, quality service, tailored to your needs. Get Quote now.

Money-back Guarantee
Warranty Provided
Roofing Installation
Emergency Repair

Roof Waterproofing

Our comprehensive waterproofing and roofing services. Whether it’s a metal, pitch, or concrete roof, we specialize in enhancing durability and weather resistance.

Concrete Repair

Our premier repair services ensures precision in concrete restoration, enhancing structural integrity and preventing water damage.

Singapore One-stop Waterproof Solution

Do you understand the serious-ness of water leakage if it is not been handle well in due?

Water leakage is a severe issue that can caused serious threats for both property and human health including structural damage, mold growth, and health risks. It has a negative impact on property value and financial obligations. Thus, timely detection and competent restoration are critical to avoiding lasting effects and guaranteeing the affected property’s safety, comfort, and value.

What We Do

We Fulfil All Your Waterproof Needs

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